Becoming a game developer can be a daunting task but with the right motivation and the proper resources in place it can be a fun experience. For the last 16 years of my career I’ve been mostly tied up in the world of web development creating websites and flash games (yea, remember flash?) for clients across the Toronto area. But in 2020 I decided I wanted to get more involved in game development with Unity but really had no idea where to start. Actually I started dabbling around with Unity back in 2014, and even built a few simple games, but the 2d tools at that time were virtually non-existent…heck it didn’t even have a tilemap editor built in. Several years later, when the tilemap feature finally arrived, I decided to give game development with Unity another shot.

So here’s a list of essential resources that i used to make myself a better C# programmer and Unity developer.


Udemy offers a ton of online courses to get you started in virtually anything related to tech ranging from beginner to advanced courses. Below are some of the courses that i would recommend for anyone looking to get into game development with Unity. One thing i should mention is some of these courses claim to be “The Ultimate Guide to C# Programming” which personally I found to be  misleading – but they are good courses none the less to get you well on your way to becoming a Unity programmer.

Sunny Valley Studio

Peter, from Sunny Valley Studio, does a great job at explaining more advanced topics in game development such as finite state machines and AI systems for enemies – I used many of his programming techniques in my game Shadow of the Orient. Here are a few of his videos that I highly recommend:


There are a lot of great Youtuber’s that you can follow that offer a ton of videos on Unity programming. Here is a list of Youtuber’s that I follow for Unity game programming tips:

Unity Asset Store

The official asset store offers some great free tools that you can use for your projects. Below are a few free packs that I use in my projects but I should mention the Pro version of DoTween offers many more features and for $15 its totally worth it.

That’s it for my personal list of recommend resources on Unity game programming. Feel free to check out the web demo of Shadow of the Orient to see how far my Unity skills have developed in the last few years.

Have some resources you’d like to share? Post them in the comments below.